Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I is a Mighty Rock Formation

The Land of Dryness has many wonders. All of them is dry. The batman recently sent out a recon team to explore the Land of Dryness and to gather information that might make the i is batman blog more interesting to both humans and kittehs. The Awesome Human Recon Team found this rock formation down in the Bryce Canyon. This is a picture of the batman engraved in stone. How do I knows that this is the batman? Evidence.

The rock solid kitteh
Fact #1 - The rock kitteh has a tail, just like the batman.

Fact #2 - The rock formation was carved over millions of years by the power of awesomeness, just like the batman.

Fact #3 - It is very clean, just like the batman.

Fact #4 - It is rock solid, just like the batman.

Now that I has proven my point, the batman wants to point out that he does not wish anyone to worship it. The batman will always be a humble little kitteh who does not need the admiration of humans. The batman likes humans too and thinks that some of them is very awesome, but he does not worship them. Even when the batman becomes the first Kitteh President, he does not want to be worshiped. Presidents should not be worshiped no matter how cute they are and no matter how many important bad guys they kills and no matter how many wars they start. The batman has stopped many pit-bulls from eating the woman and killed many wrestling birds that could poop on his dwelling, but he still does not wish for praise. The batman just thought that this was interesting.

If you has pictures that would make the i is batman blog more awesome, please send them to

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