Monday, April 4, 2011

Boston - The Chili Dog

Yesterday, the big poop dog - also known as the Boston - jumped on the man as he was finishing his chili and the man dropped the plate on the Boston's butt. True story. From now on the batman will refer to the big poop dog as "The Chili Dog" and the little poop dog as "The Poop Dog" because she roles in poop. The batman will never let them live it down. They is stupid.
Did the batman ever tell you the Chili Dog's tale. Well, he has no tail, he has a stub, but I will still tell you his tale.
Chili Dog
The Chili Dog came to us in 2009 when the batman was living at The Farm here in the Land of the Dryness. The man says that his full name is "Boston Ace Ender Thrice (Maximus) - Chili Dog." They settled for just Boston, which is actually short for Bosstone, like The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The man says he is also a Red Sox fan. But the batman does not follow baseball, he just follows the Jimmer.

The Chili Dog does not run away and go on adventures like the Beatty Cat and the Poop Dog.  The Chili Dog is more like the batman and stays at home because he knows that that is where the good food is. But, unlike the batman, the Chili Dog is a mutant. He is a rat terrier dog like the Poop Dog but mixed with the secret Ooooooze like the Ninja Turtles, except he is not a ninja. But the Chili Dog has learnt how to jump the gate that separates the dogs from the kittehs. This has the batman worried, as the Chili dog has invaded the batman's batcave. But he is cool, he does not eat from the poop box like the Poop Dog does. The Chili Dog can also run very very fast, even faster than the batman. He protects the women from pit-bulls too. Together, the man and the Chili dog are pit-bull fighting machines. They is warriors.

We all do our parts to protect the woman from pit-bulls. They like to eats her. The batman and the Beatty Cat are the lookouts, when they is not sleeping. The Poop Dog is the alarm, and the man and the Chili Dog are the fighters. We is an awesome pit-bull fighting team.

The Chili Dog still has chili on his butt.

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