Monday, April 25, 2011

The batmanmobile!

There are many things the batman cans not do. While I is a master hunter, a pit-bull watcher, and a contender for Kitteh President, I cans not drive a scooter. Maybe if the humans would make scooters small enough for kittehs like me I cans drive one. But they is big and I is small. That does not stop the batman from trying. I has been trying to get my kitteh paws on a human machine small enough for the batman so I may better fight the evil, ugly pit-bulls. I would call it "the batmanmobile!" I know, the batman has thought of that himself. I has kitteh dreams of prowling the streets at night, watching for the evil pit-bulls and bringing justice to edible humans everywhere, just like my favorite superhero, the Superman. Except, I cans not fly and I does not see in x-ray. But someday they will make a kitteh machine that I cans drive. "The batmanmobile" will be the greatest pit-bull fighting machine in the Land of Dryness. Although, then the batman will need a disguise or else he may not be able to run for Kitteh President when the time comes. Humans only like the fake superheroes. The real kind gets arrested.

The Poop Dog wants to be a superhero like the batman but she cans not drive a scooter too. Also, she is much dumber than the batman which is why she rolls in poop. Someday, maybe, she shall be a sidekick. The batman and the Poop Dog! No, that would not work. We would be watching for pit-bulls and she will not see it because she is rolling in poop and the pit-bull will eats the woman. Then the man would be very sad and give the Poop Dog away. The batman stands up for the little Poop Dog though she licks him and smells bad. Maybe someday when the humans make "the batmanmobile" I shall teach the Poop Dog how to drive it. Except the Poop Dog will use it to escape and find more poop to roll in. The batman shall not teach the Poop Dog how to drive "the batmanmobile."

It has come to the batman's attention that in previous posts he has used the wrong "role" when discussing the Poop Dog's need to "roll" in poop. The woman tells the batman that he used "role" instead of "roll." The woman does not realize that the batman dids this on purpose to see if humans would notice. This prove that the woman is superior to all other humans, especially the man because he dids not see it. Long live the woman.

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